The RateFast Parity Calculator: Tuning Dissonance into Harmony

A workers’ comp insurance adjuster receives a report saying that the patient, an injured worker, has been able to carry out all of their day-to-day functions with no sort of hindrance from their sustained work injury. The doctors measurements say that they have lost all use of their injured body part. Did that make any bells go off for you?

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RateFast Podcast: The RateFast Parity Calculator – Harmony and Dissonance in Work Comp Reports

Dr. John Alchemy describes the new feature of RateFast: the Parity Calculator, and illustrates the importance of keeping congruence between objective findings and subjective measurements when writing a workers’ comp report.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

Continue reading RateFast Podcast: The RateFast Parity Calculator – Harmony and Dissonance in Work Comp Reports

RateFast Podcasts: Adding Body Parts to a Work Comp Claim

RateFast founder and CEO, Dr. John Alchemy answers a question which comes up periodically with workers’ comp claims: How do I add a body part to an existing workers’ comp claim?

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

Continue reading RateFast Podcasts: Adding Body Parts to a Work Comp Claim

RateFast Podcast Shorts: Future Care

RateFast Founder and CEO Dr. John Alchemy gives a lesson on handling future care for workers’ compensation patients once a workers’ compensation claim has reached MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement).
If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

Continue reading RateFast Podcast Shorts: Future Care

RateFast Podcast: PR-4 Reports Explained! Podcast Edition

We have condensed RateFast’s YouTube Video Playlist: PR-4 reports explained, into a single podcast episode, so that you can touch up on how to do PR-4 reports properly while you’re on the go!

In this podcast, we hear interviews and sessions with RateFast CEO Dr. John Alchemy, and RateFast Director of Sales, Chris Hall.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

Video Series: PR-4 Reports Explained!

Welcome to the RateFast Video Series, PR-4 Reports Explained!

This video series is intended to show those who are new (and even some who are experienced) to workers’ compensation to give valuable information on writing the PR-4 Permanent Stationary report. If you have any questions, or if you would like to give RateFast or RateFast Express a try, visit our website at or email us at
Continue reading Video Series: PR-4 Reports Explained!

RateFast Podcast: Percentiles in Workers’ Compensation

This article is a transcription of an episode of the RateFast podcast, which you can listen to by searching “RateFast” in iTunes or the iOS podcast store.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!
Continue reading RateFast Podcast: Percentiles in Workers’ Compensation