How to Login to RateFast After Your Password Has Been Reset

When you lose access to RateFast user account, you may need to your password reset.

Depending on the circumstances, you can reset your password yourself or your RateFast administrator can reset the password for you.

Regardless of how the password is reset, you will receive a new temporary password at the email address associated with your RateFast user account.
Continue reading How to Login to RateFast After Your Password Has Been Reset

Locked Out? How to Unblock Your RateFast Account

Update for 2021: RateFast Express is an even easier alternative to the wonderful RateFast software. We write your workers’ comp impairment reports for you. Try RateFast Express today!

This post is intended for RateFast users who have been blocked out of their user account. If you are a RateFast admin and want to know how to unblock somebody else’s account, read this other article. Last updated on August 17th, 2017.


Were you happily going about your day, minding your own business, logging into RateFast—and then you got hit with this message?

Your account has been blocked. Please call organization account administrator for further assistance.

account blocked


But not to worry. This message may be scary and red, but this blog post is here to help.

Continue reading Locked Out? How to Unblock Your RateFast Account

How to Reset Somebody’s RateFast Password If They’ve Been Blocked

Update for 2021: RateFast Express is an even easier alternative to the wonderful RateFast software. We write your workers’ comp impairment reports for you. Try RateFast Express today!

This post is intended for RateFast admin users who want to reset passwords for other users. Last updated on July 28th, 2017.


People forget passwords.

If somebody in your organization forgets their RateFast password, hopefully they can reset it themselves by clicking the “Forgot Password?” button on the login screen and answering their security questions.

…but, of course, people forget the answers to their security questions too.

Life sure is complicated—but don’t worry: as a RateFast admin, you have the power to reset your colleague’s password so they can get on with their day.
Continue reading How to Reset Somebody’s RateFast Password If They’ve Been Blocked