
Here is an impairment rating template compatible with the state’s rule set

Impairment Rating Template for State Specific Rule Set (Word file)

Administrative Rule Set

Here is a link to AMA Guides 5th Edition

Physician’s Report

Here is a link to Physician’s Report of Work Ability

Labor Department

Here is a link to Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Employer’s First Report of Injury

Here is a link to First Report of Injury Occupational Disease or Death

Request for Authorization

Here is a link to Physician’s Request for Medical Service or Recommendation for Additional Conditions for Industrial Injury or Occupational Disease (C-9)

Information on this page is subject to change as state rules and fee schedules are updated regularly. If there is any information that is incorrect or in need of revision, please contact us at info@rate-fast.com.

Information on this page is subject to change as state rules and fee schedules are updated regularly. If there is any information that is incorrect or in need of revision, please contact us.

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