RateFast Podcast: When Surveillance is Necessary

This article is a transcription of an episode of the RateFast podcast, which you can listen to by searching “RateFast” in iTunes or the iOS podcast store.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

Workers’ compensation helps out employees who sustain an injury while working at their job. Unfortunately, some may try to take advantage of it and lie about their injury. This is just one example of a type of case where a court or stakeholder orders a sub rosa, meaning that an investigator will come out and perform surveillance on the person in question.
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RateFast Podcast: RFA’s and Utilization Review

This article is a transcription of an episode of the RateFast podcast, which you can listen to by searching “RateFast” in iTunes or the iOS podcast store.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

In the work comp world, it is important for doctors to fill out accurate reports and justify the reasons they need different equipment or treatments for their patients. For example, if a durable medical equipment is being requested, it’s important to include information such as the number of equipment pieces needed.
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RateFast Podcast: Thriving as a Work Comp Medical Provider

This article is a transcription of an episode of the RateFast podcast, which you can listen to by searching “RateFast” in iTunes or the iOS podcast store.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

In this episode, Dr. John Alchemy gives a slideshow presentation to an audience. He talks about various subjects and how they relate to money, including classical art and new car technology, as well as running a medical practice.
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RateFast Podcast: Attorneys in Work Comp Pt. III: The AMA Guides

This article is a transcription of an episode of the RateFast podcast, which you can listen to by searching “RateFast” in iTunes or the iOS podcast store.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

The AMA Guides are the most commonly-used and influential workers’ compensation impairment calculation system in the United States, as well as in many other countries. In fact, they are the law when it comes to workers’ comp cases in California. Therefore, it is very important for anyone working in the workers’ comp field to have a copy on hand.
Continue reading RateFast Podcast: Attorneys in Work Comp Pt. III: The AMA Guides

RateFast Podcast: Understanding Depositions

This article is a transcription of an episode of the RateFast podcast, which you can listen to by searching “RateFast” in iTunes or the iOS podcast store.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

In workers’ comp cases, a doctor will often need to give a deposition to a lawyer. This is not to question the doctor’s capabilities, but rather to get their testimony. In most cases, courts actually prefer a doctor’s deposition to a live testimony.
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RateFast Podcast: Workers’ Compensation in the Digital World

This article is a transcription of an episode of the RateFast podcast, which you can listen to by searching “RateFast” in iTunes or the iOS podcast store.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

Workers’ compensation doctors have to fill out a large amount of paperwork involving patient data and measurements. If filled out incorrectly, a claims adjuster will send the claim back for the doctor to fix. This is a waste of everybody’s time.
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RateFast Podcast: The Pain About… Pain!

Dr. John Alchemy and Cory Oleson discuss the proper way for a workers’ comp physician to measure patient pain, and some of the common mistakes made in measuring pain that extends work comp claims longer than they need to be.

For more information on this episode, and other helpful tips about workers’ compensation, visit the RateFast Blog.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!

On a Scale from 1 to 10 – Measuring Subjective Pain

In workers’ compensation, it’s absolutely crucial to correctly detail the workers’ subjective residuals of their injury. This is because measuring objective factors like a limited range of motion are less tangible than concepts like pain, and aren’t always an accurate account of the extent that the injury affects the patient’s day-to-day life.
Continue reading On a Scale from 1 to 10 – Measuring Subjective Pain

¿Qué es un informe PR-4 o grado de discapacidad?

¿Qué es un informe PR-4 o grado de discapacidad?

La importancia de un informe PR-4 puede resultar confusa para los pacientes. Este video a continuación explica la importancia de los informes PR-4 para los trabajadores lesionados. Este video presenta el tema de los informes PR-4. Se lo he mostrado a algunos de mis pacientes antes de que se llevara a cabo el examen PR-4. Responde aproximadamente al 80% de las preguntas comunes que los pacientes tienen sobre el informe y el examen, lo que supone un ahorro de tiempo para todos.

Si es un paciente y tiene una lesión en el trabajo, este video arrojará algo de luz sobre cómo se evaluará y calificará su lesión en el trabajo.

Si es un proveedor médico o gerente de oficina en una clínica médica, no dude en usar el video para ayudar a explicar la importancia del informe de grado de discapacidad a los trabajadores lesionados que va a examinar. Envíe a sus pacientes el vínculo a esta publicación por correo electrónico, y podrán verlo en la computadora de su casa o en sus teléfonos celulares mientras están en la sala de espera.

Por cierto, nuestro servicio de RateFast Express escribe sus reportes de grado de discapacidad por usted. Pruebe RateFast Express hoy mismo!

RateFast Podcast: Percentiles in Workers’ Compensation

This article is a transcription of an episode of the RateFast podcast, which you can listen to by searching “RateFast” in iTunes or the iOS podcast store.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!
Continue reading RateFast Podcast: Percentiles in Workers’ Compensation