RateFast GigaRating: Don’t stop the press!

It’s an exciting time at RateFast as we announce the rollout of the RateFast GigaRating, the most powerful tool in RateFast’s toolkit to date! Inspired by the work of Tesla, Inc. Dr. John Alchemy outlines the next great step on the work comp path to perfection.

If you’re a workers’ compensation provider, adjuster, or case manager check out RateFast Express: the service that writes your impairment reports for you!


RateFast GigaRating: Don’t Stop the Press!

Dr. John Alchemy: Oh and I was thinking um for a picture for it I can get a picture of inside the Tesla with a big screen we could have RateFast on it and get a picture of the Tesla steering wheel next to it.

Cory Oleson (Host): It sounds good we give you a worker’s compensation while you while you’re on the road. Yeah.

Welcome to the California Work comp report. It’s Thursday, October 28, 2021. This is your host Cory Oleson here with Dr. John Alchemy, discussing the RateFast GigaRating. How are you today, John?

Dr. John Alchemy: Hey, Cory, we’re back again doing well.

Cory: Yep, that we are and we’re talking today about the RateFast GigaRating and if that’s making your ears perk up because you haven’t heard about RateFast GigaRating before and you also have heard that word used somewhere recently Giga, Giga this, what is that? We are speaking about the RateFast GigaRating against the backdrop of the Tesla Giga Press model. And if you don’t know what that is, that’s great, because we’re going to explain what the GigaRating and the Tesla Giga Press model is for you today. So we’ll start off with the Giga Press the thing that we are sort of making an analogy to today. So John, what is the concept behind? The Giga Press? I mean, I know I’ll be telling you, I’ll be I’ll be saying along with you, but But how would you take? How would you take that away from from the start?

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah, the Giga Press was something that Tesla’s been leveraging in production to to get a massive advantage, not only in quality and safety and engineering, benefits, but also in time, it’s, it’s a tool that they’ve designed, it’s a machine they’ve designed, that creates the skeleton of the cars that they’re building. And, you know, it was a very, very labor intensive process with multiple little parts that had to slowly be assembled into a bigger part before the car could start to be assembled onto the frame.

Cory: That’s the way it’s been for a long time, too.

Dr. John Alchemy: Absolutely, yeah, yeah. And we keep talking about Tesla, and I like to keep talking about it and watching it, because it’s so much about, you know, innovation and doing things that people never, invested in or thought to invest in. And getting out of the old ideas of this is the way that it’s done, and we’re just stuck with this really inefficient process. And we have to live with it. You know, and that’s what’s so exciting, I think about the Giga Press model in, in anyone doing business these days, you know, looking to, to a company like Tesla for inspiration and saying, We don’t have to do it that way anymore. And maybe we don’t know how we’re going to do it, but we’re not doing it that way anymore. That’s what I really liked about, about the whole Tesla’s story and the energy around the company.

Cory: We were talking, I think we were talking, it was a few episodes, we’re talking about how people get very used to doing things in a very certain way. And especially when the technologies that have advanced are built upon doing things a certain way, but then there comes a certain point where one does or ought to look back at the original technology that everything is built upon and say, well, is this original technology, any good because if it’s not, then all that, you know, all this stuff that you’re building upon it to make that technology better is only as good as that original technology is going to be.

And I mean it is a good opportunity to reexamine the wig. An automobile is put together, something that was established at the beginning of the last century, and has just kind of gone a certain way. And we built all these robots to do it faster, and everything like that, but it’s the same sort of idea, you have a bunch of pieces coming together to make a car and everything like that, and it gave an opportunity to examine, you know, is the original idea, any good and so what was really cool that they did with the, the Giga Press is that they they scaled up the concept of, of making a die cast, Hot Wheels car, to the size of your car that you drive.

And that I think, if I read it correctly, that was sort of the inspiration behind the idea. It’s like they’re doing this for toys. And, you know, we’ve been able to do that for a long time. We’ve also scaled up things to you know, this size on a much larger scale. Why don’t do this with the things that we need to make 1000s of a day. Or intend to make 1000s of a day rather.

Dr. John Alchemy: Well, and I think you brought up a good point too. You know, the stuff that we’ve been doing for decades, it was probably the best at the time when it was invented. And I think that people just forget or become ingrained that there’s no other production methods or ways of thinking about creating things. And that I think is the take home here is that, you know, if we don’t think about it, we’re not going to improve it. And if we don’t improve it, we’re going to be stuck with the same level of quality, mistakes, errors, time and costs that we’ve always been been saddled with. And so you know, the big take on your stuff, stop doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.

Cory: That’s it? Well, I’m not going to say this definitively in front of you, John, but I that’s what I’ve heard the definition of insanity is. But I’m not a medical doctor.

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah, well, I think it’s pretty close. I think it sure feels like that, because I think a different outcome doing the same thing.

Cory: So yeah, this is obviously a competitive advantage against the older model, which, again, the older model, the way of kind of meticulously piecing together a car from what it you know, several 100 pieces and doing things is, the bog standard, so if you’re the only one doing something in a new, and I guess, you know, largely more efficient, more intelligent way, then you have the competitive advantage in that case. So previously vehicles would be made up of three, or I think the body of the vehicle loan was made up of around 370 individual parts, and then you need 600 robotic actions, or, there are over 600 robotic actions that are needed to do this. And then in the original method, you have all this stuff going on, right? And, actually I’m going to step back and say, 600, robotic actions have been removed from the process of creating the frame of the body of a car via the GigaRatings.

So, before that, who knows how many there are, and also the, when you look at these gigantic machines, I mean, it doesn’t, it does, it almost doesn’t even hit you until you’re either like standing in front of one or see one at a good enough resolution video to see these gigantic machines moving incredibly fast with incredible precision. And you got to think like, oh, how much energy is being wasted by these gigantic machines just moving around all day, producing an amount of cars that has like a ceiling just due to just the bedrock technology that it’s built on?

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah. And the tremendous time savings, I mean, they’re talking about turning these things over in 80 to 90 seconds, this is what they quote and 40 to 45 pieces an hour. I mean, that’s unheard of.

Cory: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I need to see the numbers on how long it takes to, construct a car body the standard way, but I guarantee you that it’s not that much. Or it’s far, far more than that, so it’s just everything seems to be done in a more efficient manner. Especially because, you know, the assembly of 370 pieces itself requires all of this screwing and just twisting and everything like that. I don’t know if we describe this well enough at the beginning of the episode, but this is literally a die cast. It’s a mold in which the steel that makes up the car frame, is poured into, and then the cast releases and then you have the shape it’s the same as if you make like a casting, is a technology that’s as old as time and I mean, it’s talking about a time, your time proven technology and stuff. I mean, they do that with candles I know why would they do it with you know, everything like that.

So, yeah, so this is a new technology, replacing an inefficient technology that’s built using an older and definitely time tested technology, which which works rather well. Yeah, at least the eye that the hot wheel and the Yankee Candle Company would like to believe and I’m with them and believing that so, so yes, so we’re improving the quality. Because we you know, as far as I know, the more joints that you have to screw in and screw together and everything for a car, that just makes it more vulnerability is more likely, there are things to go wrong, I am not an engineer. So I do not know anything about this. But you know, I’m just speaking for what I think is common sense. And it improves the speed, as you said, yeah, 80 to 90 seconds for producing one of these car frames, and it lowers the production costs, because of all of these things.

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah, and in this day and age of supply chain problems, and all that stuff, think about the maintenance that goes into 600 robots, maintaining coding pieces that, break the maintenance, people that have to, fix these things, one breaks down, the whole machine is down, and all of these things that are really, really replaced in one fell swoop of, you know, let’s just make the piece all at once.

Cory: Yeah, absolutely. It makes you think, and since we’re talking analogies here to the workers comp, the whole the infrastructure of workers comp, it’s one of those things where I think, over time, as you were building these robots that put together the hundreds of pieces that made the older a, are they still existing car bodies, and the still existing robots that are still doing that, is, so much of that was probably a lot of people that came in and sold these car companies a nice shiny robot to keep the thing going instead of a, something that could fundamentally change what they were doing, and who knows if that was intentional or not, but you know, you do see people just just sort of, consequently, just moving forward in a thing that that doesn’t work. You know, coming up with all these ideas, when the resources, the mental and physical resources could be put into fixing the problem, which I think is a, if we’re talking a gestalt for the world today, I think that’s a kind of a way to look at it as well.

Dr. John Alchemy: Well, yeah, and I think transitioning as we begin to move this concept into RateFast and what we’re doing with this kind of concept, going from an action of many to an action of few or one, I mean, think about it, most people hopping in a Tesla and driving it, they really don’t care how the frame was built, they just, they want the car to work, they want to go from point A to point B, they want it to be a good experience, and they want it to be reliable. That’s really what it comes down to. I mean, how it’s made, and the technology and stuff is interesting, but the common person doesn’t really care about it. And I’m going to, and I say that because I want to tie it in people’s minds as we transition over to work comp ratings. It’s the exact same thing. Most people who review these ratings, insurance adjusters, attorneys, judges, you know, patients, QMEs, they don’t really have a good grasp about the detail, and all of the pieces that go into an impairment rating. And it’s not being disrespectful, but they just can’t, there’s yeah, there’s so many layers, that they have to be able to look at a rating and understand, where it came from, and the quality and the integrity of the source. And is it consistent? And can it be reproduced? And is it fair? That’s, that’s really their equivalent of the test drive of an impairment rating.

Cory: Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, physicians shouldn’t feel bad. For when we say yeah, it’s pretty near impossible to collect all the ADLs of somebody, there’s something in me, like, you shouldn’t feel disappointed in that because it’s like, you know, you shouldn’t feel disappointed for not being able to dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, with just holding your breath. I mean, it’s just not feasible. It’s darn near not possible. I dare somebody to prove me wrong in the Mariana Trench thing.

Okay, so we see the problem. And as we know, RateFast is about solving that problem. And the problem is the inefficiency of work comp reports and the fact that you can’t do it in the way that it’s outlined in state law and everything with the resources that physicians are given it everything so what does the what does the GigaRating look like against the you know, apocalyptic backdrop of have, you know that the climate change of work comp? You know, which, in many ways, I mean, one could, in many ways, looking at the field writ large, I think one could almost make that argument. But yeah, I mean, what so how does it How does the GigaRating look in this sort of context?

Dr. John Alchemy: If once upon a time before, you know, the GigaRating was even a concept or was reality a person who is trying to do a rating would have to sit down, they would, if they gather the data themselves, you’d hope you’d have a decent data integrity collection, you know that most of the questions were asked, there’s probably, you know, well over 300 or 400 pieces of input data, for instance, on a cervical spine rating. And if you look at the average QME report, or primary treating physician report, you’re probably going to see more in the neighborhood of, you know, maybe 30, 35.

And then when you look inside the report, and the way that it has to be constructed and rated, you realize that there are several processes kind of like that, that frame moving down the production line, you have to figure out the pain in the ADLs, you have to score that, you have to look at your measurements, you got to check them for consistency, reproducibility, you got to go to tables, you know, and there’s all these different steps. And if, if you look at one of our GigaRating tools, the cervical spine, for instance, there’s 50,000 calculations in that tool. And that’s, that’s the GigaRating happening at one time. And if we step back and say, wow, what would it take a person with extreme deep knowledge in this area, I’m talking to an expert that knows everything cold sitting down, and doing this manually.

Think about that, you’re sitting down, but you have to do it manually – 50,000 calculations and checking tables and accuracy, you know, and let’s say that you’re good at math, maybe you even have a calculator, where all the tables are in the book. So it’s not like you’re hunting around for them, let’s say you have them all taped up on the wall, you know, it’s going to take you at best probably 90 seconds to do each calculation, look it up, verify it, multiply it by, the value to make sure that it’s in the 10% variance, for instance, and all that stuff. And and if you do the math on that, it comes out, and it’s pretty amazing that that person would have to work without sleep for 1.7 months to do that kind of detail.

Cory: As soon as you said calculations, I was out. And then. And then you said 50,000!

Dr. John Alchemy: And then I also want to say, this is not checking your work. This is just going through at one time.

Cory: Yeah, it’s at that point that you run your work through a computer to check your work, you know? And at that point, why don’t you just have the computer do the thing in the first place anyway?

Dr. John Alchemy: Exactly. But again, it’s one of these things that no one has really had the resources, the time, the interest, or the expertise to sit down and create the GigaRating, all we have are, some services that people can use cottage industry, a couple of feeble calculators that have been out there that are very generalized, or don’t consider everything. And the trouble is, is that people don’t really have insight into the low quality of those ratings. They just say, oh, here’s a rating, here’s a car, I’m going to get in it. The wheels haven’t fallen off as far as I know, and that kind of thing. But there’s a lot of work that passes as impairment ratings that probably shouldn’t be accepted as valid results. But the problem is, we’ve talked about this before, insight, opacity in the system, how it’s done, and a lack of the of the customer, being a stakeholder not being able to check the work. That’s a real problem when you’re handed a number, but you have no way to check the value.

Cory: Yeah, absolutely. And it’s very interesting, because I feel like probably one of the things that has kept people from automating or computerizing a system, like workers comp or something like that, there might be a lot of stigma that because I’m just thinking about how my mind is just going back through my life and the way that technology has been viewed throughout my experience. You have like y2k and stuff like that there used to actually be a lot of skepticism around computers and actually like, storing documents on them is they were seen as unreliable. And these were all things that were before, what we would come to know is the cloud. And as well, it’s just the implementation of computers and technology in every other aspect of life, except workers compensation. And other ones.

I mean, there’s there’s plenty of things where we say like, oh, yeah, no, a human could do this job better. You know, things like that. And I think it’s, it’s time to reexamine that, that that very thought process. I mean, some of these, the things that are holding a lot of people back are just these sort of automatic thought processes, that we ourselves are just computing these these programs that are running in our mind that says, oh, we can’t do that. Because something I thought, something I’ve thought and haven’t reevaluated, 20 years ago, you know? And I think that the technology that we’re talking about, you know, updating fundamentally, the things that we’re going back to the very roots of and changing. And I think the thought process associated with with integrating technology into work comp is another one of those things that needs to kind of go back, be reevaluated and reconstructed. Which is probably why I think that’s a big reason why these things haven’t been adopted as a standard.

Dr. John Alchemy: Well and the other thing is putting together a GigaRating tool requires an incredible amount of resources, you have to organize people, you have to have people with the right skill set, it has to be checked, it has to be rechecked. Go through a series of quality assurance, work all the bugs out, run case after case, check it manually again, then go back in, tune it up, and it is a big job. And that’s why no one’s done it. Who is going to sit around and do this?

Cory: I was going to say, yeah, that is that sounds like torture, who would be crazy enough to go and do and make it available for other people to use? And it has been hard work. We’ve been discussing in the works, we may or may not have a future episode, where we discuss sort the milestones of RateFast as a company, and where it’s come to be, what it is today, including what RateFast used to look like and how it used to be. It was just as effective and efficient as it is today, it was just more steps for us on our side here. And we had to kind of fine tune everything to make sure that everything that we were implementing as technologies to make RateFast, better, faster and more productive and everything. We’re also effective at working within themselves, we didn’t want to build something that that was automated, that actually was was running a bad program and stuff. So it’s taken a while, but the model car that we built, and especially with our new GigaRating technology, it’s more efficient than ever, and there’s just always room for improvement. And yes, or rather always room for innovation. In our thing, and, once again, like we’ve talked about before, hopefully but by the time somebody else, oh, I’m gonna get started on a technology that makes workers called better it’s gonna be like, well, how about you check us out and see if see where we’re at and see what we’re doing at this point, too.

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah and RateFast, I think has always kind of focused on what I believe is the most important thing, which is his timely, accurate and fair settlement. Because getting out of a work comp, case is it’s like being stuck in a tar pit, you can ask any patient that’s tried to had have, an injury of any significant magnitude get resolution. It’s just the most frustrating thing that you can imagine, it’s being stuck in a time warp where nothing happens and everything stays the same every single day, in the claim drags on and no one can seem to figure out the settlement and they’re fighting over it, and all the information in front of us yet the stakeholders just refuse to to To claim that, hey, we have an accurate settlement rating, and that’s what we set out to change. It’s like, let’s stop guessing about the value of this, we know what it is, yeah. How about we just get this claim settled, and, get this worker on their way? That’s really the most satisfying thing, I think, for doing all this work, is when a patient tells me yes, the claim got settled in, it got settled on the RateFast number, and I’m happy and I’m done. Those are the best days of going to work.

Cory: And something I have to say about that, generally speaking, when you do the same thing on a day to day basis, and when that thing that you do on a day to day basis is also, rife with, either both a rejection, or objection to, by a company that that can’t accept your work. And also, when things do go through, you’re not really sure why that all of these things together, it just makes life in general, kind of suck it just in general, you’re like, why am I doing this? You know why you’re doing it, but it’s just, it’s demoralizing, I guess you can say, and I can’t speak to that from a being a work comp physician, because I’m not, but you know, I can speak to that from other angles in my life that you know, that you get caught in the cycle. And you kind of think that that’s the way it is, and then all of a sudden, something comes out and says, oh, no, it’s, it can’t be better. I don’t, you know, like, you just need to kind of step out of that and see what’s out there for you. And that’s what we try to provide. I mean, it’s like, imagine that thing that you know, grinds on you or whatever, imagine that’s just not there anymore, and it’s that easy.

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah, and do something else with your time.

Unknown Speaker: My goodness, there’s a, there’s a huge world out there, I was just looking, I get I get in my downtime, in these like, little kind of minimal minutes between doing things that was just, I was just looking today at pictures of the rain forest and in the basin in Congo, and just the flora and fauna out there. And it’s just amazing to think to stop for a second and just, you know, put on the brakes of all the crazy things and sort of remember that, wow, there’s this vast expanse of just like, just the planet that that, it’s just kind of exists outside of this, wouldn’t it be nice to go and visit that in some free time? And I think that anybody could say that it’s like, now you can have even, especially if you work in workers comp, and you us RateFast, then you can have more free time.

So that’s always for consideration, just throwing that out there. So yeah, we’re certainly not as a company, invisible by any means. But we’re also we also need to be seen by the entire industry, we just need to I mean, it’s either that or things are gonna go the same way forever and ever. And that is not our intention, either. So that’s not going to happen. So when we talk about the industry, and the industry, looking at what we do, and sort of accepting a certain model of things, why would the industry and why will the industry embrace the RateFast GigaRating model for work comp?

Dr. John Alchemy: It’s an interesting question. And, when I started RateFast, I thought, hey, people are going to want a better way forward, they’re going to be interested in it, they’re going to be enthusiastic about it. And as many things are, once you get into it, and actually put a product out and see how it plays, you get often a different response than you think you would. And the first feedback we were getting, not from our customers, but from, insurance companies that weren’t familiar with RateFast attorneys, the disability evaluation unit, they’re never quite sure how to respond to a process that they’re not familiar with. And yeah, in the in the easier responses. I don’t understand this, so it must not be right. You know, that’s just sort of the human response. And we had a lot of that. You know, I don’t understand how you’re doing this. I don’t know, you know, what a what a variance means? I haven’t heard this before. I’m just not sure what to make of it.

Cory: And then they turn around and say by the way, the work comp system sucks.

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah. Everyone’s unhappy and complaining about it. That’s right.

Cory: Yeah, I wish something would come fix this, by the way, I don’t recognize this. So it looks nothing like this that I recognize this entirely broken system.

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah. But it’s interesting, because when we have a client, and they’re using the RateFast impairment rating service, it’s always the same thing. For the first three to four months, the adjusters who are working consistently with that client will send letters and how did this happen? I don’t get this, this has never been rated before. Why are you rating it now? You know, it’s always the same question. So there’s a flurry of letters, sometimes from the disability evaluation unit, but mostly just from the insurance adjusters. And in its without fail there’s usually about, I don’t know, probably one out of every six ratings gets a letter, and that lasts for about three months, and then they totally go away. And the reason they go away is that when we response, and we welcome these letters of inquiry, because we always look at it as an educational opportunity. We start educating these people.

Cory: We have their full attention to tell him exactly how RateFast works.

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah. And they can focus and apply it to their work. And without fail, they’ll always ask about one to two questions deep. And the RateFast answers go more like 15 to 50 answers deep. So we can take them as deep as they like to go or they’re willing to go, but the bottom line is most people are satisfied after one or two questions of inquiry.

Cory: They’re like, Oh, wow. All right. There’s a lot of stuff to it, like, you guys really did your work.

Dr. John Alchemy: I mean, I don’t know what the standard is people not doing their homework, that that’s been the standard. And that’s why people are skeptical. And they said, well, you can’t get a number like 27. You know, you just can’t do that. Yeah, it’s like, yeah, we can, and we can do it over and over again, if it’s really supposed to be 27.

Cory: Absolutely, yeah, absolutely. We’ll take it another doctor’s information on this rating and assume, assuming that the patient gave them the same answers that they need, and everything, it will be a 27% rating. So I mean, that’s what we’ve done is we’ve we’ve created a method to translate, the, what was it? Oh, my goodness, I’m forgetting our episode titles. Oh, no, it was the one it was the one. You know, we’ve we’ve created essentially the Rosetta Stone to communicate sort of the industry specific language between the different stakeholders. So yeah we’ve done a lot. That’s, the 50th thing for you to know about. When you’re reading, when you ask us how it works. We will just link half of this stuff, we’ll just link them to the podcast,

Dr. John Alchemy: But getting back to the answer. The answer is it’s been glacial. And it’s been mostly silent. And it’s been individual, we haven’t had a big breakthrough yet where the state wants to step forward and say we need to standardize this process where we’re wasting a lot of people’s time. And we need to use a process like RateFast to come up with settlements, if we’re really serious about saying we want injured workers and their employers to have fast, accurate, claim management settlement. That’s really the big piece that we’re looking for, is is the administrative piece, the regulatory people to step up and say, yeah, the process really needs to be more efficient. And until then, it’s going to be everyone else getting the benefit, but it’s not going to be truly adopted, until the regulators come in and say, Yeah, we need a platform, like RateFast that is comprehensive, detailed, and a Giga Press for everyone to benefit from and hopefully that’ll happen someday. I’m really hoping.

Cory: Yeah, well, I think that one of the biggest things that will probably help them do that is if these people look left and right, everywhere they look it says RateFast, RateFast, RateFast. So everybody’s using all these things, all these stakeholders are using RateFast and I think in order for the stakeholders to use repasts then they should, you know, they should be aware of the benefit fits of the read fast and the RateFast GigaRating. So how will the GigaRating benefit the stakeholders, John?

Dr. John Alchemy: Well, I think we just touched on it, it’s going to give rapid access to large scaleable amounts of data to the injured workers and the people that need to settle these claims and pay out the claims. And, I understand that there’s a lot of middle people in workers comp, you have all kinds of, you know, vendors and people doing steps and, trying to simplify things or take, things off other people’s plates and do them. But the bottom line is, let’s just stamp this value out at one time, and know that it’s a better system than trying to have 270 people assemble and impairment rating and hope that it sticks together on the road. I think, the take home from today. Yeah, is that if you if you value those things, simplicity, accuracy, efficiency, RateFast is going to be your tool, if you want to limp along businesses, usual: painful, slow inaccuracy, multiple opinions all of them wrong. And don’t use us. Keep doing what you’re doing.

Cory: Yeah, if you like that!

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah. Maybe some people do? I don’t know. But I’m not one of them.

Cory: Some people are, if you’re a glutton for punishment, then that is your thing. And the status quo is very much around and therefore you. And so we would like to invite and say to anybody who is interested in what we’re doing, and how you can do it too, how you can join us and be a part of it and watch it all, as your, as your as your impairment ratings and your work comp reports, you know, in general, are created efficiently and in a way that we believe should be implemented not only statewide, but you know, everywhere.

Dr. John Alchemy: Yeah.

Cory: Come on down to RateFast at ratefastexpress.com. And learn how we can help you and I will give a couple of URLs that are plugs at the end of the episode too. So John, do you have any closing words about the GigaRating? And how it can help workers comp?

Dr. John Alchemy: Well, I’ll just say use the GigaRating, get the right rating and go out and explore the world with your free time. How about you do something else other than work comp?

Cory: Yes. You’ve got the Congo. You’ve got Patagonia. Yeah. You’ve got you know, you can go to the North Pole, I’m sure. I think yeah. Yeah, get it while you can. So we’re also hoping that in turn, we’re inspiring others to turn around that which is affecting our planet so that you can continue to go to your favorite vacation spots with all the time that you have that you’re using, RateFast GigaRating, boom.

Dr. John Alchemy: Okay Cory. Thank you.

Cory: Thank you, John. We’ll see you next time.

Dr. John Alchemy: All right, take care.

Cory: To find out more about the RateFast GigaRating visit our blog at blog.rate-fast.com and give requests GigaRating a spin at rate-fast.com.

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