How to get RFAs approved for your patients using RateFast

You want your patients to get the treatments that you’ve ordered for them. Quickly. With as little hassle as possible.

Unfortunately, in the world of work comp, getting an insurance carrier to authorize what you’ve ordered for your patient isn’t always simple.

This article is about how you, as a medical provider, can write medical reports and RFAs that get services authorized for your patient.

(If you want to learn more about RFAs, then click here).

What Utilization Review Wants to Know

When you send your request to your patient’s insurance carrier, then the insurance company’s Utilization Review team (UR) reviews the RFA and—the accompanying visit note—to determine whether or not the treatment should be authorized. Here’s what you can do to help your RFA get approved.

1. Complete the RFA as thoroughly as possible.

Each RFA should include diagnostic codes of the patient’s condition(s), the service/good/treatment that is being requested, and any supporting details. Failure to include any of this information may result in the insurance carrier sending the RFA back to the provider.

Also, ensure that the physician has signed the RFA. Nurse practitioners and Physician’s assistants should not sign RFAs.

2. Include the full medical report with the RFA.

An RFA is very difficult to authorize without context. Therefore, send the RFA and the workers’ comp report together, and make sure that the report supports the RFA. The information in the report should be consistent with the RFA and be crystal clear to the claims adjuster who reads teh report.

If you use RateFast to write your workers’ compensation reports (Doctor’s First, PR-2, and PR-4 reports), then RFAs will automatically be included at the end of the report as you select treatments, referrals, medical equipment, and other services for your patient while completing the RateFast report.

3. Include the medical history.

Include a list of all treatments used, the patient’s response to the treatment, self-care, home-exercise programs, and so forth.

Reports written in RateFast will always include this information, so long as you complete the “Subjective Complaints” and “Medical History” sections of each RateFast report.

4. Tell a convincing story.

Together, your RFA and workers’ comp report should make a persuasive case that the medication, therapy, equipment, or other treatment that you are requesting will benefit your patient.

For example, if you are requesting authorization for a treatment that the patient has already used, then your report needs to demonstrate that the treatment has helped the patient in the past.

To understand the full story, the UR department needs to know answers to the following questions:

  • Is the patient feeling better?
  • Has the patient improved functionally improved? In other words, is their range of motion, flexibility, and/or strength measurably improved?
  • Is the patient complying with the current treatments?
  • How are the current treatments affecting the patient’s activities of daily living?
  • If a patient stopped receiving a treatment, is the condition now worsening as a result of no longer receiving that treatment?

In order to answer these questions, it’s important to include information about all changes—or lack of changes—in the patient’s condition. This would usually be described in a PR-2 report (Physician’s Progress report). If you use RateFast to write your PR-2 reports, then you’ll be prompted by the software to make a note of all changes.


Answer these questions and your RFA will be a cut above the rest.

For real-life examples and details given by Dr. Alchemy, MD, QME, tune into our podcast on RFAs and Utilization Review.

Click here to learn more about how RateFast users can automatically fill out RFAs while writing reports.

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What’s an RFA, anyway?

If you’re in workers’ compensation in California, then you probably know that an RFA (“Request for Authorization”) is a standardized form distributed by the Department of Industrial Relations. Click here to view the official RFA form on the DIR website.

Click here to download a copy of the RFA form.

Medical providers need to complete an RFA for every treatment they order for the patient. The Utilization Review department of the insurance carrier must then review the RFA, and either approve or deny the request.

Each RFA includes the following:

  1. Basic information about the patient and the claim
  2. Diagnostic codes of the patient’s condition(s)
  3. The actual service that is being requested—such as medication, therapy, referrals, equipment, etc.

Failure to include any of this information may result in the insurance carrier sending the RFA back to the provider.

The good news is that medical providers and office workers can create and manage RFAs for work-related injuries using RateFast. For free.

Click here to learn more about how RateFast users can automatically fill out RFAs while writing reports.

To get a more in depth description of how to get your RFAs approved by insurance carriers, click here.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Impairment Ratings

This article is intended for RateFast users who have questions about the Whole Person Impairment ratings that come with each PR-4 Permanent & Stationary work injury report.

This FAQ contains answers to a few common questions that we’ve received regarding RateFast impairment ratings.

We pride ourselves in the accuracy of our impairment ratings, and would be happy to explain how they are being calculated. If your question isn’t answered here, then please contact us with questions about your PR-4 report.

Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions about Impairment Ratings

RateFast’s Roadmap to Apportionment

Apportionment is one of the top three decisions which can delay a WorkComp claim from closing. This is understandable, as it’s a tricky subject. Nearly all medical providers have a different idea about how apportionment should be arrived at. Insurance companies want to pay the injured worker the right price, the injured worker needs to be adequately compensated… And the employer only wants to be responsible for the part of the injury which was caused at work.

Bottom Line: There are no clear rules with apportionment. Although the law defines that only “permanent disability” is to be apportioned, there are no instructions on how the medical provider is to actually do it. Is it functional disability (eg. could lift 20 pounds before the injury and now lifts only 10 pounds)? Is it “permanent disability” from a permanent disability rating (PDR) that results from an impairment measurement (eg. %Whole person impairment, which may or may not result in true permanent functional disability). Or, is it a change in treatment burden such as medications, therapy, and or other measurable medical support that is now needed, new, or increased from a pre-injury condition to maintain the new level of function? Which one is a correct method? They can all be used clinically with equal defensibility when correctly explained and supported.

There are a few things which can be referenced when deciding apportionment, in order to keep consistent, objective impairment reports.

Let’s start with some definitions.

  • Apportionment is one of the subsets of the PR-4 report.
  • It’s a section where the medical provider is asked to make a determination if the permanent disability that results from the work injury may be attributed medically to any other conditions.

Now time for a real-world example.

A gentleman who is 25 y/o is lifting a box at work. He injures his back and receives treatment. At the conclusion of the report the doctor is going throught the case history and it turns out that the worker had a pre-existing injury to his back. This placed him on a restriction from listing more than 20 pounds. After this new injury he can only lift 10 pounds.

Is apportionment present and if so, what %?

The answer is yes. He is 50 % apportioned to his permanent disability from the old, unrelated event when he hurt his back.

In this case we’re lucky enough to have a clear a baseline of pre-existing disability, we know the worker is at MMI, and now there’s a new level of permanent disability. This makes the apportionment determination much simpler, and helps with the timely closure of the claim. Remember apportionment is no walk in the park, so if you’re looking for any advice feel free to Submit a PR-4 report for review today!

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Never Fill Out an RFA again: How to Write and Track RFAs in RateFast

Whenever you order a treatment for an injured worker, you also need to complete a Request for Authorization form. Completing and keeping track of RFAs for every treatment and referral isn’t always easy. And it’s never fun. We know.

Fortunately, there’s now a solution.

Continue reading Never Fill Out an RFA again: How to Write and Track RFAs in RateFast